How To Use Cell Phone While Travelling In China

Travelling in China with a cell phone can be quite daunting. From accessing data to buying SIM cards, it’s important to understand how to use a cell phone beforehand. First and foremost, it is vital to determine your needs. Are you simply seeking to access the Internet? Do you need to make international or local calls? Or both? With this in mind, let’s examine the options that can help you stay in touch when travelling in China.

Ideally, the best way to stay connected in China is to invest in a China-based SIM card. You can purchase it upon arrival in China or online. If you choose to buy a SIM card online, consider using a reliable telecom operator with a good reputation in the country. Look for their customer reviews and ratings and purchase the most popular SIM card with the most positive feedback.

It is important to note that visitors can only buy SIM cards from telecom operators that are officially licensed by the Chinese government. So, be sure to only buy from legitimate providers. Furthermore, many startups in China require a password and authentication every time you access the network services. For this, you need a valid Chinese ID card. In some cases, you will need to provide a proof of address in China as well.

It’s also critical to understand the Internet security challenges that you may encounter when travelling in China. Some of these include malware, viruses, and other threats. To secure your phone, make sure to install a firewall and antivirus software. This will protect and safeguard your data from cybercriminal activities. Additionally, be aware of chinese cyber laws, as unrestricted access to certain websites can be a punishable offence.

Next, ‘roaming’ charges can be extremely expensive when using a foreign SIM card in China. Many travellers tend to either buy a local SIM card or invest in an international SIM card. Both have their own benefits. Local SIM cards are often cheaper – perfect if you’re planning a short stay. On the other hand, international SIM cards can save you from expensive roaming charges and access data when travelling in multiple countries. Furthermore, avoid using public Wi-Fi, as these networks are usually not secure and can leave you vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

Finally, consider bringing a few portable Wi-Fi hotspots with you. These are small devices that provide access to mobile data networks when travelling abroad. Simply connect your device and you’ll be able to access fast and secure Wi-Fi networks. This will allow you to be readily connected without the need for a SIM card. You can even share hotspot connections with a few friends as well.

Understanding Fees and Telecom Providers

When researching Internet connectivity in China, it’s important to understand the cost associated with each provider. Before purchasing a SIM card, make sure to compare fees between the various providers. Most providers will offer both unlimited data plans and pay-as-you-go options. Pay-as-you-go plans are particularly handy if you’re only travelling to China for a few days and want to stay connected. In most cases, you’ll be charged per megabyte rather than for a full data plan.

In addition, there are also a number of telecom operators in China. Be sure to compare their services and prices before making any decisions. Some of the most popular telecom operators include China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom. Furthermore, these providers offer both data-only SIM cards and combo voice/data plans for longer trips.

Understanding the Lingo

It’s also essential to understand the terminology used by telecom operators in China. This will help you when making a purchase. For instance, many operators offer discounts or specific monthly plans for tourists. The Chinese word for ‘tourist’ is ‘lvbl’, so be sure to look out for this word when comparing providers. Additionally, the word ‘shinl’ means ‘new’ and ‘yangl’ means ‘refill’. If you’re looking to top up your data plan, be sure to look for these Chinese terms to help you.

If the language barrier is an issue, it can be worthwhile to bring an interpreter. This will ensure that you can communicate with service staff and providers with ease. Furthermore, many service staff at telecom stores in China are fluent in English. However, they may not be able to explain the pricing details or the technical aspects of their services in English.

Knowing the language also has many additional benefits, such as being able to order food, buy tickets, and access directions more freely. With a basic understanding of the language, you’ll be able to take full advantage of the local attractions with ease.

Alternative Solutions

If you’re unable to purchase a SIM card or access the local networks, there are still other ways to stay connected in China. Many carrier providers offer international roaming options that will cover China. Be sure to check with your provider for further information on their coverage. In some cases, you may even be able to bypass the Great Firewall of China with an international roaming service. However, these services are usually more expensive than local SIM cards.

You can also consider using a virtual private network (VPN). This is a secure data network that will route your data through a network of remote servers, making it much easier to access websites that are blocked by the Chinese government. This is particularly useful if you are travelling to China for business.

Using data-sharing apps is another great way to stay connected while travelling in China. For instance, messaging apps such as WhatsApp allow users to send and receive text messages, images, and videos regardless of the local network. This is a great solution if you need to remain connected with others, without the need to pay for roaming fees or purchase SIM cards. However, if you are planning to stay in China for an extended period of time, it may be worthwhile to invest in a local SIM card.

Staying Connected with Wi-Fi Hotspots

Wi-Fi hotspots are an excellent solution for staying connected in China. They are cheaper and more secure than other types of connections. When travelling, consider bringing a few portable Wi-Fi hotspots with you that you can take with you wherever you go. Many of these hotspots offer multiple connection options and can be used with both mobile devices and laptops.

Another option is to purchase a local Wi-Fi hotspot. These can be found in tourist-focused shops in the major cities. By connecting with a local network, you’ll be able to access the Internet throughout the country. However, be sure to check the charges beforehand, as these can vary significantly. Furthermore, make sure to change the default password as soon as you purchase a Wi-Fi hotspot.

Finally, consider using a cellular hotspot. This is an option that utilises both local and international SIM cards. This is particularly useful if you are travelling to multiple countries and need to stay connected. By swapping out the SIM cards, you’ll be able to access fast and secure networks at affordable prices. However, it’s important to note that these devices can be bulky and expensive.

Using Public Wi-Fi & Avoiding Cyber Risks

In some cases, it may be necessary to use public Wi-Fi when travelling in China, such as at airports or hotels. To ensure your safety, be sure to only use trusted network connections. Additionally, avoid accessing sensitive data, such as bank accounts or passwords, over public networks. Furthermore, investigate the encryption technology used by the network connection before using it. If possible, enable the automatic encryption feature on the device you are using.

It is also important to be aware of the risks associated with connecting to public Wi-Fi networks. Hackers often use these networks to gain access to personal data. To protect yourself, make sure to use an up-to-date antivirus program and always enable the firewall on your device. Additionally, use a virtual private network (VPN) to protect your data from potential cyber threats.

Furthermore, never leave your device unattended in public spaces. This reduces the chance of having your device stolen or hacked. Additionally, make sure to enable the password protection feature and two-factor authentication on all of your accounts to ensure maximum security.


Overall, travelling in China with a cell phone can be an overwhelming experience. There are a variety of options available, including local SIM cards, international roaming, Wi-Fi hotspots, and VPNs. It’s important to determine your needs beforehand and compare the fees and services offered by the various telecom operators. Additionally, it is essential to understand the risks associated with using public Wi-Fi networks and to take precautions to protect your data from potential cyber threats. With the right preparation, you can rest assured knowing that you’ll stay connected during your travels in China.

Bernice Sorrells

Bernice A. Sorrells is a freelance journalist and travel writer from the United States. She has written extensively about China, covering topics such as culture, history, politics, and economics. Bernice has traveled extensively throughout China, visiting many of its provinces and cities.

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