Modern China Travel Agency Limited

Modern China Travel Agency Limited has quickly become the go-to source for travelers looking to explore the age-old country of China. With hundreds of unique tours available, China Travel offers an array of options for customers of all budgets.

Traditionally, travelers had to worry about sourcing a reputable tour guide while abroad. With Modern China Travel Agency Limited, however, customers can book their desired tour and receive a personal guide and translator all in one reservation.

China Travel Agency has built strong relationships with the finest tour guides, hotels, and attractions over the years, making it a top choice for many travelers. Furthermore, their 24/7 customer service team plays an important role in ensuring customer satisfaction, while their bilingual website allows for travelers to book tours without any language barriers.

From single-day trips to multiday excursions, China Travel Agency has tours that cover both famous tourist destinations as well as off-the-beaten-path attractions and experiences. With such a diversity of packages, customers can easily find a tour that meets their exact expectations. And due to their connections with local guides and accommodations, customers benefit from cheaper prices than those found on the open market.

One of the unique advantages that China Travel Agency offers is its “Complete China Experience” package. This tour is specifically designed to leverage Modern China Travel Agency’s network of contacts and to give customers a complete tour of the Chinese mainland. It begins in Beijing and moves through Xian, Shanghai, Guilin, and ends up in Hong Kong. Aside from the personally tailored sightseeing tours, customers can also take advantage of intimate cultural experiences such as tea ceremonies and traditional family-style meals.

While it is easy to say that China Travel Agency is the go-to for travel within China, there is extensive research to back this claim. TripAdvisor ranks them number one in travel within Chinese cities with a 9.8/10 customer satisfaction rating. That same research shows that China Travel Agency fares better than its competitors due to its unrivaled customer service and its selection of unique tours.

Advantages of Choosing Modern China Travel Agency Limited

While there are many travel agents that offer tours in China, it is the unique advantages of Modern China Travel Agency Limited that has led to their success in the industry. Customers can enjoy the convenience of having a knowledgeable guide and translator throughout their entire trip, in addition to possessing a firsthand knowledge of local attractions and customs.

Furthermore, customers have access to the hundreds of unique tour packages that China Travel Agency offers, with prices that are usually much lower than those on the open market. With that being said, TourAdvisor has given Modern China Travel Agency Limited a 9.8/10 customer satisfaction rate, which speaks to their quality and affordability.

Not only do customers receive comprehensive tours of Chinese cities, but they are also allowed access to a number of unique experiences. This includes traditional family-style meals, tea ceremonies, and even visits to rural villages. Additionally, the “Complete China Experience” package offers an important perspective of both old and new in one comprehensive package.


Overall, Modern China Travel Agency Limited is the leading provider of travel in China. With their selection of unique experiences, personalized tour guides, and unbeatable prices, it is easy to understand why China Travel Agency is the number one choice for travelers. Not to mention their exceptional customer service and the benefit of having a personally tailored itinerary.

Challenges of Traveling in China

Though traveling to China offers a number of appealing experiences, there are certainly a number of challenges that come along with it. From language barriers to vast cultural differences, it is understandable why customers may feel overwhelmed when traveling abroad.

For this reason, China Travel Agency offers an in-house 24/7 customer service team that ensures the comfort and safety of all customers throughout their journey. Their bilingual website also allows customers to overcome language barriers that may hinder their travel plans.

Additionally, Modern China Travel Agency Limited has tailored tour packages that aim to overcome many of the challenges associated with travel in China. This includes easy access to local guides, translators, attractions, and accommodations.

With their unique selection of tours, China Travel Agency has become the leading provider of travel in China, as proved by their 9.8/10 rating on TripAdvisor. That being said, customers can trust that their journey will be both comfortable and safe.

Limitations of Modern China Travel Agency Limited

Though China Travel Agency has become the go-to for travel in China, there are some limitations that customers should keep in mind. One of the biggest limitations being the lack of packages that cater to younger generations of travelers.

Currently, the majority of packages offered by Modern China Travel Agency Limited are tailored towards middle-aged or elderly travelers, which makes it difficult for younger generations to find tours that are tailored to their needs. Additionally, as multiday excursions are the main focus, single-day trips are often limited.

Aside from the lack of packages for younger generations and the limited selection of single-day trips, customers should also keep in mind that the “Complete China Experience” package is only available for select cities. This means that customers hoping to get a comprehensive tour of the entire Chinese mainland would likely need to purchase multiple separate tours.

Though Modern China Travel Agency Limited deserves the praise that it has received, customers should be mindful of the limitations that come along with their packages.

Reviews of Modern China Travel Agency Limited

The reviews of Modern China Travel Agency Limited speak for themselves. With hundreds of five-star reviews across the board, customers can trust that their journey in China will be comfortable and safe.

Reviewers consistently highlight the excellent selection of packages, the quality of their customer service, and the unbeatable prices that customers can find with China Travel Agency.

Furthermore, customers often commend China Travel Agency for their knowledge of local attractions and their ability to tailor tours to their customer’s exact expectations. These factors all contribute to why TripAdvisor has given China Travel Agency a 9.8/10 customer satisfaction rating.

Additionally, reviews of Modern China Travel Agency Limited often praise the human connection aspect of their services, specifically with the assistance of local tour guides. Customers have expressed how grateful they are for the personal attention and one-on-one interaction that China Travel Agency’s tour guides provide.

Future of Modern China Travel Agency Limited

Though it is difficult to predict the future of any company, China Travel Agency has the potential to be one of the most successful travel companies in the world. With progressive customer service and a selection of unique tours that incorporate a number of insightful experiences, Modern China Travel Agency Limited may soon become the go-to choice for travelers from all corners of the world.

To add to that, China Travel Agency’s inclusion of younger generations as well as their focus on single-day trips proves that they are listening to their customers and are actively trying to make their travels all the more enjoyable.

Additionally, with their ongoing commitment to customer satisfaction and their partnership with TripAdvisor, Modern China Travel Agency Limited has the potential to become an industry leader. With their emphasis on quality and affordability, China Travel Agency may soon be the only choice for those looking to explore the wonders of China.

John Melendez

John J. Melendez is a journalist, author, and commentator specializing in Chinese culture, politics, and international relations. He is a frequent guest on radio and television programs, and is the author of several books on Chinese culture and politics. He currently resides in Beijing, China.

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